What's Happening in Oxford in July
09/07/2020 08:29AM

As the government eases restrictions placed during Coronavirus lockdown, many of Oxford's local attractions have began to reopen - understandably with added guidelines and safety measures in place to protect the public and members of staff. As the country begins to reopen again, we have taken the time look at the different events happening in Oxford in July.

Please also take the time to read about what's changed in Oxford throughout the Covid19 pandemic: https://www.royaloxfordhotel.co.uk/about/news/oxford-reopening-whats-changed 

Events in Oxford in July

Saturday 25th July - Jericho Comedy Drive In at The Oxford Artisan Distillery

What: Support your local comedy club, and drive along for an American style drive in.

Where: The Oxford Artisan Distillery, Oxford OX3 7QJ

When: Saturday 25th July 20:00 - 22:00

Cost: £22.15

Link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/jericho-comedy-drive-in-at-the-oxford-artisan-distillery-tickets-109624313272?aff=ebdssbcitybrowse



Saturday 27th June - Friday 31st July - Blenheim Palace Guided Tour

What: Palace rooms still closed but learn the history behind the palace on a guided walk in the park grounds.

The Park & Gardens are open from 09:30am - 18:00pm (last entry 16:45pm). It is essential to book a date and time slot prior to any visit at blenheimpalace.com/tickets. This is so that they can manage volumes and keep everybody safe during this time.

Where: Blenheim Palace, Woodstock, Oxfordshire OX20 1PP

When: Saturday 27th June - Friday 31st July, Daily at 12:45pm

Cost: from £250 - Private small groups only

Link: https://www.blenheimpalace.com/tickets-booking/



Saturday 4th July - Friday 31st July - Oxford City & University Walking Tour - Saturdays 12:30

What: Small groups averaging under 5 persons. NB colleges are currently still closed to public.

Where: Meet guide OUTSIDE Oxford visitor info centre, 15 Broad street, OX1 3AS

When: Various dates Saturday 4th July - Friday 31st July

Cost: Prices for public and private tours vary - see table below

Link: https://www.dailyinfo.co.uk/events/231192/oxford-city-and-university-walking-tour-saturdays-12-30


Oxford City & University Walking Tour


Wednesday 1st July - Friday 31st July - Oxford Cycle Tours- rated 5 stars on Tripadvisor!

What: See best views of Oxford & enjoy a scenic ride out of town with guided tour. 4 persons max typical. Free for local kids with own bikes.

Where: Meet guide OUTSIDE Oxford visitor info centre, 15 Broad street, Oxford, OX1 3AS

When: Various dates Wednesday 1st July - Friday 31st July

Cost: Prices for public and private tours vary - see table below

Link: https://www.dailyinfo.co.uk/events/231193/oxford-cycle-tours-rated-5-starstripadvisor-free-for-local-kids-with-own-bikes


Oxford Cycle Tours



Park Life

University Parks – Parks Road

The Parks are bound by River Cherwell to the East and contain gardens of scientific interest. Look out for golden oats, wisteria and lilac here and a selection of oak and pine trees. In the open spaces, games of rugby, cricket, lacrosse and quidditch are played.

Port Meadow – enter via Walton Well Road

The wildflowers growing on this ancient site include buttercups, white clover and thistles. Home to the native Port Meadow ponies, this is where Iron Age settlers grazed their livestock.

With more grassland than you can shake a stick at, there is a perfect haven of stillness close at hand to offer a colourful view of nature this spring.

C.S. Lewis Community Nature Reserve – Lewis Close

Find a bench to enjoy a sense of peace within this woodland. Smell the bluebells, listen for woodpeckers and watch waterfowl in the pond. It is said to have been an inspiration for Narnia. The land belonged to C.S. Lewis; his old house is nearby.

South Park – Headington Hill

Enjoy an iconic landscape of the spires from the park's highest point. This view was famously painted by Turner as he entered the city. Across the road is Headington Hill Park with its arboretum.

Florence Park – Rymers Lane

Tranquil tree-lined paths offer relaxing walks and a bandstand gives a nostalgic nod to childhood here. Follow the stream that runs through this traditional family park and spot pollinators making a beeline for the planted wildflowers.

Lye Valley Nature Reserve – East of the Churchill Hospital

Keep an eye out for soldier flies, glow worms and several rare plants (that are on the England Red List) living in this ancient habitat.

Bury Knowle – London Road, Headington

The areas of this park that are undergoing re-wilding offer a comfortable tree trunk to sit on to enjoy a moment of quiet. Within this landscaped park, wooden sculptures inspired by characters from childhood stories are waiting to be stumbled upon.

Rock Edge Local Nature Reserve - south-east end of Windmill Road, Headington

A layer of Upper Jurassic limestone juts out of this compact nature reserve. The pit is thought to have been a former boundary between a coral reef and the surrounding shallow sea.

Link: https://www.dailyinfo.co.uk/blog/16382/park-life



Oxford Covered Market

A message from the Oxford Covered Market team:

Come say hello
We’re back!

Huge care and attention has been paid to maximising the markets capacity to enable maximum social distancing for you. We hope that these changes will actually make shopping even easier for everyone.

The market will now be open from Monday – Saturday 9am to 5.30pm, Sunday 11am to 5pm.

Individual traders may operate different hours.

Not all traders will open from day one.

Thank you, to you the public for your incredible support of our traders throughout this lockdown.

Welcome back, and let’s make this a strong and lasting recovery!

Best wishes
The Covered Market

Link: http://oxford-coveredmarket.co.uk

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